
How To ... Guides


How to ... Find the ID of a content element

An ID allows linking and embedding of content

  1. List available content - this page shows all the content for this website
  2. Find a specific item...
    • Select the relevant type (event, page, etc.)
    • Selecting the relevant category (see the Categories list)
    • Enter text from the title or caption

The ID is shown alongside the item(s) listing. You need to be a branch admin to delete an item.


How To ... Add a Page

  1. Add content
  2. Add page
  3. Enter Title ... and as much else as necessary ... and then click on Add page

How To ... Display a Page on the Menu

  1. Edit menu
  2. Select page from drop down list
  3. Click on + to add to menu
  4. Use arrows to adjust position of new menu item
  5. Click on Save.


Events comprise two elements: the venue where the event is occurring and the event itself. The venue needs to added first if it is not already listed.

How To ... Add a Venue

  1. Add content
  2. Add Venue
  3. Enter the name of the venue
    It's good practise to enter an unambiguous name that indicates the location, so for example the name of a pub might be "King's Head, Ambridge"
  4. Enter the address of the venue, ideally including the postcode
  5. After entering the address, the button Look up address will become active, you MUST click on it (or the details will not be saved). This will use the address to find the latitude and longitude, and the location on a Google map
  6. Add any additional details in the body, for example, you might want to include an image using [[image:id=123]] and transportation instructions
  7. Click on Add venue

How To ... Add an Event

  1. Add content
  2. Add Event
  3. Enter a title
  4. Select a Category. This allows events to be grouped, so that the event will appear in the appropriate list on the Events page
  5. Select a Location, from the list of available venues, which will include the venue you previously added for this event
  6. Enter the date, either a single date (and time) for something like a branch meeting or social, or a date range for something like a beer festival
  7. Check show time if appropriate, for example for a meeting or social with a specific start time
  8. Enter any additional details in the body, for example the main agenda items of a meeting.

How To ... Add a multi-venue event ... for example a pub crawl

  1. Add a venue called something like "Pub Crawl round Ambridge"
  2. Add an event, and select the pub crawl as the location
  3. Give the start time for the event
  4. In the body, provide the details of each pub using a link to each venue i.e. [[link:id=123]] and give the details of the times for each pub. You can find the IDs of the venues using List available content

A creative way that you can do this is by creating a series of links to WhatPub entries ... and then create an event with these links embedded. You can view an example event that uses this approach here 

The body of that page is:

Meet at the [[link:id=16172]], at 12 noon. The walk will explore historic pubs, past and present, featured in 
The Pubs of St Ives by Bob Burn-Murdoch. One the walk we will visit the following pubs: [[link:id=16173]] [[link:id=16174]] [[link:id=16175]] [[link:id=16176]] and we will finish at the Royal Oak

[[link:id=16172]] is defined as

Alternatively you can use the direct to WhatPub pub link...

[[pub:id=STN/172,title=Royal Oak - St. Ives]]

You can obviously do this for any set of pubs in WhatPub, you just need to know the PubID for that pub entry.


How To ... Add a News page

  1. Add a News page by ... adding a page ... and displaying that page on the menu
  2. In the Body of the News page enter
    [[list:title=News List Title,type=news,display=when-]]
    • The when- displays the news items in chronological order with the most recent first
    • You could add style=brief to put the title and date on one line
    • You could add display=body to display the body as part of the list rather than requiring the user to click on the title link to see the details in another page
    • You could also request categories for news from the Beer Engine admin team and then add something like category=PubNews or category=BreweryNews

How To ... Add an individual News article

  1. Add content
  2. Add News
  3. Enter a Title
  4. Enter a category, if news categories have been set up for you
  5. Set the date, if different to the current date
  6. Enter the Body of the news article. Like any body field, this can be plain text or formatted with HTML if you choose and can include images.


How To ... Add a new style** Contacts page

  1. Add a Contacts page by ... adding a page ... and displaying that page on the menu
  2. In the Body of the Contacts page enter
    [[list:title=Contacts List Title,type=contact,display=contact-card]]
  3.  Restrict access to CAMRA members if the entire contacts page should only be visible to members after they sign in

** Requires additional style customisation - contact 

How To ... Add an individual Contact

  1. Add content
  2. Add Contact
  3. Enter Role title ... and as much else as necessary
  4. Enter sort weight = 1 for the first item, sort weight = 2 for the second item etc.
  5. Restrict access to CAMRA members for those roles where the public should not see the contact details, e.g. access to the branch contact might not be restricted, but for all other roles the contact details will only be visible to members after they sign in
  6. Add as many phone numbers to the Phone field as necessary
  7. Description can contain both the description of the role and additional details about the contact, including an image using [[image: id=123]], i.e. the description field is like a normal body field and can be formatted with HTML.


A download is a document that you want users to be able to download, that is, a document that you want to put on the web site so that it can be downloaded.

How To ... Add an Download

  1. Add content
  2. Add Download
  3. Enter a name
  4. Click on Browse and locate the document on your computer, e.g. on your hard disk drive
  5. Enter a description in Body if necessary
  6. Enter a date if necessary, e.g. the date the document was published (this will control the display order of lists of downloads)
  7. Click on Add download

How To ... Include individual Downloads on page

  1. Find the ID of the download (see How to ... Find the ID of a content element)
  2. Edit the page, venue, event or contact where you want to include the download
  3. Enter [[link:id=123]] where you want to include the download

How To ... Include a list of Downloads on page

Before you can display a list of downloads it is advisable to have assigned a specific category to each download item

  1. Edit the page, venue, event or contact where you want to include the list of downloads
  2. Enter [[list:type=download]] where you want to include the list of downloads

Lists can be formatted in various ways. See Content tags for more details.


A link is an reference to an external web page, sometimes referred to as a URL, e.g.

How To ... Add an Link

  1. Add content
  2. Add Event
  3. Enter a Name
  4. Enter an Address
    This needs to be a full URL, e.g. It must include the http:// part
    It must NOT be enclosed in quotes otherwise it will not work
  5. Click on Add link
  6. Use the link reference number to add the link to a page using [[link:id=xxxx]]


An image is a file of a graphical format: BeerEngine accepts JPEG, PNG or GIF. In general, photos are best uploaded as a JPEG, whereas logos are best uploaded as a PNG.

How To ... Add an Image

  1. Add image (on the main menu)
  2. Enter a caption^, which essentially is the title of the image
  3. Enter a description^ if necessary
  4. Click on Browse and locate the image on your computer, e.g. on your hard disk drive
  5. Click on Add image

^ Warning - these cannot be amended after their initial creation.

How To ... Include an Image on page ... or a venue ... or an event ... or a contact

  1. Find the ID of the image (see How to ... Find the ID of a content element)
  2. Edit the page, venue, event or contact where you want to include the image
  3. Enter [[image:id=123]] where you want to include the image
  4. Images can be formatted in various ways, e.g. [[image:id=123,size=large] ] and [[image:id=123,class=right]]
    class=left places an image on the left of the page a allows test to flow round it.

See Content tags for more details