
BeerEngine™ a Complete CAMRA Branch Web Site

BeerEngine™ is an approach to building a CAMRA branch web site which removes much of the technical challenge usually associated with building a website.  Beer Engine is designed to be used by people who have no idea how to develop or maintain a web site.

All of the content is created and maintained by filling in web forms. These web forms are designed to allow the process of updating the site to be shared between different members of the branch committee: social secretary; newsletter editor; pubs officer; festival organiser etc. These web sites are hosted and administered for branches on a central CAMRA server. Help is provided to install and configure the web site to meet the branches specific needs.

A large number of branches and many regions use BeerEngine for their web sites - Websites using BeerEngine provides the details.

If you're interested in using BeerEngine then please contact the support team,

CAMRA Branch email services

Alongside Beer Engine, CAMRA also offers an email hosting service. This is supported by the CAMRA Hosting Support Team ku.gro.armac.gnitsoh@troppus. Configuration details or this service can be found here: